[Lac] Open Gates

Daniel Pimienta pimienta at funredes.org
Mon Jun 21 20:40:00 BST 2004

Ahí va el segundo mensaje sobre el tema de las posturas coherentes con el 
software libre. Describe una propuesta que habla por si misma sobre los 
obstaculos que hay que resolver.

Esta propuesta para un proyecto que pueda aportar soluciones eficientes a 
la problematica de la migración hacia el libre se ha definido en relación 
con un taller Eurolatis (http://www.eurolatis.upm.es/) sobre software libre 
organizado en Rio de Janeiro en 3/2002, en colaboración con: ERGOCOM 
(Guatemala), Fundación Era Digital (Argentina), MINSAP (Cuba), INICTEL 
(Peru), CONACYT (Paraguay).

Levanto mucho interés de quien eran entonces responsables de la temática 
ante la Unión Europea (P. Aigrin) y la Unesco (P. Quéau). FUNREDES no pudo 
llevar al proyecto hacia la busqueda de fondos para su realización y 
invitamos a grupos interesados a empoderarse de la idea y tratar de hacerla 
realidad sin necesariamente involucrar a Funredes. La propuesta ha sido 
documentada en inglés (sorry!).

Develop a comprehensive solution for migration to Open Source. The target 
for migration includes information, common applications and data bases. The 
product will include various components from the customer site assessment 
to implementation, training and remote support. The solution will be 
marketed by the combination of local service delivery, remote support 
center and training third parties for service delivery. The considered 
market encompasses SMEs, NGOs, education, and governments.

Open Gates Foundation: its mission is to open the gates for the 
dissemination of Open Source software by reducing the obstacles in the 
customers side. It will offer a central clearinghouse and knowledge center 
on Open Source to serve as virtual support center to Open Source customers.

Open Gates Franchise: a scheme for the descentralization of services 
companies for the migration to Open Source, under the umbrella of the Open 
Gates Foundation.

Which are the innovative aspects of the proposal?
- Facilitate the migration of would-be customers of open source.
- Create a non for profit facility for remote support based on virtual 
community associated with a clearinghouse of open source products and 
- Create a network of service providers to systematize the dissemination.
- Use an original groupware platform to support the networks.

Specific benefits of the actions for the European Union and Latin America?
The project manages knowledge and networks resources which are spread over 
EU and LA. Open Gates will contribute to e.inclusion by reducing cost 
barriers, increasing user networking and indirectly local employment and 
business opportunities through the fostering of sustainable support network.

How the proposal concepts will be developed?
With the integration, in  cohesion with the open source principles, of a 
marketing model, a migration strategy and a remote support strategy.

What type of technology will be used?
Web based clearinghouse will be designed using data basing open source.
Knowledge management for the analysis of support history.
P2P for remote support center.
EMEC for virtual community management.
GRINIO for groupware platform.
The challenge is only in the integration of the components.

This project conveys a strategy which is key for e.inclusion and 
furthermore could provide, as a by-product, a way for sensitization to 
information society issues (such as IPR). The philosophy of localization of 
all but remote support services is aimed at the contribution to improve 

Who knows the involved technology and how to access it ?
The selected partners, a mix of open source specialists, non profit project 
managers, marketing and legal consultants, government information society 
responsibles gather the necessary know-how.

What are the main workpackages ?
WP1: General coordination
WP2: Marketing model (including legal)
WP3: Methodology for customer site assessment, migration and evaluation
WP4: Creation of training packages (technical, user, remarketer)
WP5: Design & Software development for migration
WP6: Development of the network support center
WP7: Development of the network of service providers
WP8: Implementation and test on pilot sites from partners (5)
WP9: Implementation and test on pilot from providers (2)
WP10: Validation and evaluation of pilots
WP11: Design of a business plan

What are the main risks ?
The organization of the package is too complex.
The threshold of possible migrable applications and formats is not 
sufficient for a business case.
The economics of the service model is not compatible with a business case.
The issue of languages for the network support center. 

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