[WSIS CS-Plenary] Deadline to volunteer in Nom Com is today midnight - more volunteers needed.
Hakikur Rahman
email at hakik.org
Tue Nov 20 15:58:46 GMT 2007
Please add my name in the NomCom.
Best regards,
Dr. Md. Hakikur Rahman
SchoolNet Foundation Bangladesh
web: www.schoolnetbd.org, www.hakik.org
email: email at hakik.org, hakikur.rahman at gmail.com
At 09:28 PM 11/20/2007, CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam wrote:
>[Please note that by using 'REPLY', your
>response goes to the entire list. Kindly use
>individual addresses for responses intended for specific people]
>Click http://wsis.funredes.org/plenary/ to
>access automatic translation of this message!
>Thanks Lisa,
>Yes there is on line a list of volunteers to
>serve in the NomCom and of self nominations for
>the CS membership into the GAID Strategy Council
>we received so far. The description of the whole
>process as previously circulated on this list is
>available on:
>As you know, the GAID Secretariat announced that
>3 to 4 CS seats in the Strategy Council will be
>renewed (corresponding to approximately one
>third of the 10 CS members of the Strategy
>Council, composed of a total of 40 members).
>to serve in the NomCom: We only have 13
>volunteers so far and as you know we would need
>25 to make the selection completely random. The
>deadline for volunteering is TODAY at 0.00. The
>random selection process will indeed take place
>tomorrow. If we don’t reach this number of 25,
>we would have to consider cancelling the whole
>self nomination process and would not be in a
>position to submit a recommendation for the new
>CS members of the Strategy Council to the GAID Secretariat.
>candidates for the GAID Strategy Council: I only
>received so far 4 nominations. We also need much
>more to make this process meaningful. Deadline
>for nominations of candidates is 25 November.
>Nominations could be self-candidatures of
>nominations by others. To nominate through this
>process, send to
><mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org>wsis at ngocongo.org the following information:
>CS Affiliation(s):
>Biographical Statement:
>Vision of their specific contribution to the GA Strategy Council:
>In parallel to that, one CS seat of the GAID
>steering committee is also going to be open to
>rotation. The Steering Committee is composed of
>10 members, including 2 from civil society. As
>also previously announced, I am also trying to
>mobilize the CS outgoing members of the Strategy
>Council and the HL Advisors to make a
>recommendation to the GAID Secretariat on the CS
>seat of the GAID Steering Committee to be
>renewed. I would come back to you later about that.
>De : plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org
>[mailto:plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org] De la part de McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
>Envoyé : vendredi, 16. novembre 2007 21:27
>À : Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space
>Objet : Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Update on the CS
>self-nomination process for GAID Strategy
>Council - need more volunteers and more candidates
>Philippe, I volunteer to be a member of the
>noncom. Please will you share the list of those
>who’ve already volunteered as well as the names
>of those put forward for nomination to the strategy council?
>Lisa McLaughlin
>Lisa McLaughlin, Ph.D.
>Mass Communication & Women’s Studies
>Williams Hall
>Miami University, Ohio 45056
>tele: +1 513 5293547
>fax: +1 513 5291835
>On 11/16/07 11:09 AM, "CONGO - IS" <wsis at ngocongo.org> wrote:
>[Please note that by using 'REPLY', your
>response goes to the entire list. Kindly use
>individual addresses for responses intended for specific people]
>to access automatic translation of this message!
>Reply-To: "Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>
>From: "CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam" <wsis at ngocongo.org>
>Sender: <plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org>
>To: "'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space'" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>,
> <governance at lists.cpsr.org>,
> <gov at wsis-gov.org>
>Cc: "'CONGO - Philippe Dam'" <philippe.dam at ngocongo.org>,
> <rbloem at ngocongo.org>
>Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Suggested guidelines
>- CS Self-Nomination processfor GAID Strategic Council membership
>Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 19:06:15 +0100
>Message-ID: <200711061805.lA6I5RCn015077 at smtp1.infomaniak.ch>
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>Dear all,
>This is to suggest that we go into CS
>self-nomination through a NomCom process for the
>membership of the GAID Strategy Council
>(reminder: see GAID Secretariat note attached).
>As you know, 3-4 CS position of this structure
>might be open for rotation. Nomination are open
>until 30 November 2007, so that a CS
>self-nomination process should be finalized by
>that time (some flexibility might allow us to
>finish it in the early days of December).
>Please start volunteering to the NomCom
>according to the proposed guidelines below. I’ll
>inform you about the webpage in which the names
>will be published. Depending on when the seeds
>for the randomization process in selecting
>NomCom members would be drawn (I will have more
>information about that very shortly), the
>various deadlines could be slightly adjusted,
>but the process could remain unchanged.
>Selection of a CS Nomination Committee
>The Nom Com will be composed of 5 CS
>representatives, acting in their personal
>capacity and randomly selected among those who
>would volunteer. For the selection of 5 names to
>be random, we should try to have 5 times as many
>volunteers (25) for the volunteer pool as we want Nom Com members.
>Volunteers for serving in the Nomination
>Committee should announce themselves no later
>than 20 November 2007 (stating its name and CS
>affiliation at
><mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org>wsis at ngocongo.org).
>The list of names of the volunteers, ordered by
>date of receipt of message indicating interest, will be published online.
>The Nom Com would be selected through a random
>selection process on 21 November 2007.
>· Members of the Nominations Committee
>will preferably have to demonstrate a
>long-standing engagement in the Information
>Society-related processes within the UN, in
>particular WSIS, as well as a good experience of
>civil society self-organised working processes.
>· Volunteering for the pool does NOT
>disqualify anyone from selection for the
>Strategic Council, BUT serving on the Nom Com
>(that is, if you are randomly selected) does.
>· The more people who volunteer the
>better chance we have to get a representative selection in the Nom Com.
>· There will not be two persons from
>the same organisation in the Nomination Committee.
>The Nomination Committee would start working on
>line fairly intensively on 21 November 2007
>until 30 November 2005. Its work will be
>facilitated by a non voting facilitator (if
>nobody volunteers to do so, and if nobody
>objects, I would be happy to serve in this position).
>If the number of volunteers to serve in the
>NomCom does not reach 25 persons by 19 November,
>we would have to consider that there is no
>interest among this group to go into a
>self-nomination process for the Steering
>Committee CS membership. We would leave it
>completely to the GAID Secretariat to identify such membership.
>Candidates for the CS membership to the GA Strategy Council
>Candidatures for the CS membership to the GA
>Strategy Council is open to all representatives
>from civil society, including CS entities
>accredited to WSIS, NGOs with ECOSOC status and
>all other CS actors interested in ICT for
>Development and involved in the UN development
>agenda towards achieving the MDGs.
>Nominations (including self-nominations) and all
>relevant information must be sent to the NomCom
>facilitator NO LATER THAN 25 NOVEMBER 2007,
>22:00 p.m. GMT / 24:00 p.m. Geneva Time with the following information:
>CS Affiliation(s):
>Biographical Statement:
>Vision of their specific contribution to the GA Strategy Council:
>The members of the NomCom will determine in due
>time their guidelines and criteria.
>They will be requested to come out with a
>recommendation to be forwarded to the GAID Secretariat on 1 December 2007.
>Since there would be 3 or 4 seats to be opened
>to rotation, it is expected that the NomCom
>recommends 4 to 6 names to the GAID Secretariat,
>to allow for some flexibility in the final membership of the Strategy Council.
>As a matter of principle, I strongly encourage
>you to contribute to this CS self-nomination process and to make it successful.
>Looking forward to reading you in this regard.
>Best regards,
>Philippe Dam
>CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
>11, Avenue de la Paix
>CH-1202 Geneva
>Tel: +41 22 301 1000
>Fax: +41 22 301 2000
>E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org>wsis at ngocongo.org
>Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org>www.ngocongo.org
>The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an
>international, membership association that
>facilitates the participation of NGOs in United
>Nations debates and decisions. Founded in 1948,
>CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
>presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's
>governments and United Nations agencies on
>issues of global concern. For more information
>see our website at <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org/>www.ngocongo.org
>Reply-To: "Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>
>From: "CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam" <wsis at ngocongo.org>
>Sender: <plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org>
>To: "'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space'" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>,
> <governance at lists.cpsr.org>,
> <gov at wsis-gov.org>
>Cc: "'CONGO - Philippe Dam'" <philippe.dam at ngocongo.org>,
> "'Renata Bloem'" <rbloem at ngocongo.org>
>Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] TR: [GAID Steering]
>Renewal of Membership intheGAID Strategy Counciland Steering Committee
>Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 18:43:21 +0100
>Message-ID: <200711021742.lA2HgWA3024677 at smtp2.infomaniak.ch>
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>x-original-to: plenary at wsis-cs.org
>Dear all,
>This is the note of the GAID Secretariat
>regarding the renewal of membership of the GAID
>Strategy Council and Steering Committee.
>I also re-attached the recent e-mail I
>circulated in this regard a couple of days ago.
>As discussed, the deadline for nominations is 30
>November 2007. As previously announced, we have
>not yet any idea of who, among the outgoing
>Strategy Council (see
>here) and Steering Committee members (see
>here), will be maintained and which ones will go out.
>I’ll come back to you early next week with some
>proposals regarding a CS self nomination process
>(please send any comment on that matter).
>The timeline as confirmed by the GAID Secretariat note is as follows:
>GAID Steering Committee
>GAID Strategy Council
>Deadline for expression of renewal by outgoing members
>15 August 2007
>30 November 2007
>Deadline for new nominations for membership
>30 November 2007
>30 November 2007
>Announcement of the Appointment of new members
>End of December 2007
>End of December 2007
>Office taking of the new members
>1 April 2008
>1 April 2008
>Date of the GAID structure with its renewed membership
>May 2008
>Kuala Lumpur
>May 2008
>Kuala Lumpur
>Best regards,
>Philippe Dam
>De : steering-bounces at un-gaid.org
>[mailto:steering-bounces at un-gaid.org] De la part de Sarbuland Khan
>Envoyé : lundi, 29. octobre 2007 15:38
>À : steering at un-gaid.org
>Objet : [GAID Steering] Renewal of Membership in
>the GAID Strategy Counciland Steering Committee
>Dear Colleagues,
>To ensure continuity and renewal of membership
>in the GAID Strategy Council and Steering
>Committee, the GAID Secretariat initiated a
>nomination process last 31 July 2007 for
>membership in both bodies. It is envisioned that
>approximately one-third of the membership in the
>Strategy Council and Steering Committee should rotate.
>According to the Terms of Reference adopted at
>the 27 September 2006 meeting of the Steering
>Committee (see attached), the term of the
>members of the GAID Steering Committee was due
>to end in September 2007, and the term of
>members of the GAID Strategy Council will
>conclude before the next meeting of the Strategy
>Council on May 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
>during the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT)).
>However, as agreed by the Steering Committee in
>its meeting last 19 September 2007 in New York,
>more time is needed for the consultation process
>for nominations, particularly to membership in
>the Steering Committee. It has been agreed that
>the term of the present membership in the
>Steering Committee be continued through March
>2008 and to extend the Steering Committee
>consultation process to align with the timeframe
>for the process of rotation in the Strategy Council.
>The terms of the next GAID Steering Committee
>and Strategy Council would, therefore, run as follows:
>Steering Committee (one year term)
>1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009
>Strategy Council (two year term)
>1 April 2008 31 March 2010
>The Secretariat kindly requests current members,
>who have not yet done so, to indicate whether
>they would be available and interested to be
>considered as a candidate for renewal.
>We would be grateful to receive this information
>(addressed to dejesus3 at un-gaid.org) no later
>than 30 November 2007, both for Steering
>Committee members and Strategy Council members.
>The Secretariat invites nominations for new
>candidatures for the Steering Committee for
>approximately 4 seats, and the Strategy Council
>for approximately 20 seats (1/3 of the
>membership of each stakeholder group) by 30
>November 2007. (Please see
>http://www.un-gaid.org/en/about/howgaidworks for the list of current members.)
>As is established practice, nominations for
>Member States are being solicited through the
>United Nations regional groups. Civil society
>and trade organizations are being invited to
>identify nominations from among their
>constituencies. There is no limit to the number
>of nominations that may be submitted. Qualified
>organizations may also independently express
>interest in membership. Nominations should be
>submitted to the Secretariat by the appropriate
>deadline noted above through the email address nominate at un-gaid.org.
>The list of recommended candidates will be
>developed, following consultations with the
>Strategy Council and the Steering Committee, and
>approved on behalf of the Secretary-General by
>the Under-Secretary-General of the Department of
>Economic and Social Affairs. The appointment of
>new members is anticipated to be announced by the end of December 2007.
>With my best personal regards,
>Sarbuland Khan
>Reply-To: "Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>
>From: "CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam" <wsis at ngocongo.org>
>Sender: <plenary-bounces at wsis-cs.org>
>To: "'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space'" <plenary at wsis-cs.org>,
> <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>Cc: "'Renata BLOEM'" <rbloem at ngocongo.org>
>Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Up date on renewal of
>GAIDstructures(StrategyCouncil and Steering Committee)
>Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 18:13:28 +0100
>Message-ID: <200710221712.l9MHCkLr026028 at smtp2.infomaniak.ch>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>x-original-to: plenary at wsis-cs.org
>Dear all,
>As indicated in my previous e-mails, the renewal
>of the membership of GAID structures was
>postponed, to allow for greater consultation
>among stakeholders’ groups. The deadline for
>nominations is 30 November 2007. We therefore
>have until that date to come out with a CS
>self-organised recommendation on the membership
>of both the Steering Committee and the Strategy
>Council. Is there anyone among you willing to
>moderate any of these self-nomination processes?
>Our problem so far is that we have not yet any
>idea of who, among the outgoing StratC and
>Steering Committee members, will be maintained
>and which ones will go out. The GAID Secretariat
>had asked all outgoing members to express their interest to continue.
>As regards the Steering Committee, I understood
>that both Titi and Renate informed the GAID
>Secretariat of their interest to continue one
>more year. But there is no more information so
>far on who would stay on Board. There were also
>some discussions on whether the Steering
>Committee membership should be increased to 12
>members (currently 10), but there is not yet any
>definite information on this (hopefully this would be one more for CS).
>As for the Strategy Council, it is understood
>that approximately one-third of the membership
>should rotate. But I have very little
>information of who expressed the willingness to
>continue. Out of 10 CS members so far, this
>would mean that 3 or 4 new members should be
>identified. But the deadline for expression of
>renewal by outgoing members is also 30 November,
>meaning that we would not be able to know before 30 Nov. who would go out
>We would anyway need to have 2 parallel
>processes to go with by 30 November, in
>identifying one individual for the Steering
>Committee membership. Any process such as this
>one would approximately need one month to be
>finalised, so that we need to start both no
>later that end October (next week!).
>A note by the GAID secretariat might be
>circulated soon, but I preferred to forward you what we knew so far!
>Let me remind that the deadlines for the
>nominations and appointment processes are as follows:
>GAID Steering Committee
>GAID Strategy Council
>Deadline for expression of renewal by outgoing members
>15 August 2007
>30 November 2007
>Deadline for new nominations for membership
>30 November 2007
>30 November 2007
>Announcement of the Appointment of new members
>End of December 2007
>End of December 2007
>Office taking of the new members
>1 April 2008
>1 April 2008
>Date of the GAID structure with its renewed membership
>May 2008
>Kuala Lumpur
>May 2008
>Kuala Lumpur
>All the best,
>Philippe Dam
>11, Avenue de la Paix
>CH-1202 Geneva
>Tel: +41 22 301 1000
>Fax: +41 22 301 2000
>E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org>wsis at ngocongo.org
>Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org>www.ngocongo.org
>The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an
>international, membership association that
>facilitates the participation of NGOs in United
>Nations debates and decisions. Founded in 1948,
>CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
>presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's
>governments and United Nations agencies on
>issues of global concern. For more information
>see our website at <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org/>www.ngocongo.org
>Plenary mailing list
>Plenary at wsis-cs.org
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