[WSIS CS-Plenary] Consultation on CSTD - Tuesday 13 February (13:30-15:00)
CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
wsis at ngocongo.org
Thu Feb 8 19:16:26 GMT 2007
Dear all,
Just to complete my previous message, it seems that the CSTD Secretariat is
still rather flexible and open on the various issues they want to discuss
with NGOs on next Tuesday, in particular for the way to organise the CSTD
Multi-Year programme of work, working methods and reporting activities on
WSIS follow-up to the CSTD. There is therefore some good ground to influence
and make proposals in this regard during this consultation, which might also
serve as a brainstorming involving the CSTD Secretariat.
The ECOSOC is actually currently meeting for its organisation session in New
York, with the view to finalize its previously unfinished business. As
regards WSIS related issues, it particularly includes:
- Finalization of the transitional measure for the participation of
WSIS accredited NGOs in the next two sessions of the CSTD (2007-2008);
- Election of the additional 10 members of the CSTD;
- Adoption of the report of the 9
<http://stdev.unctad.org/docs/report9.doc> th session of the CSTD (May
2006), including its proposed draft decision for adoption of the Council.
Decisions on those three points are expected by tomorrow.
As regards the multi-year programme of work of the CSTD, relevant paragraph
46.pdf> Resolution 2006/46 provide that “the Commission shall continue
working on the basis of biennial action cycles” (para. 9) and that “at its
next session the Commission shall develop its agenda and a multi-year work
programme” (para. 10). Did anybody start drafting some elements on this
Same question regarding the reporting activities to the CSTD. What would be
the best way to inform the Commission about the progresses of implementation
in a comprehensive manner? How to prepare conclusions on “obstacles and
constraints encountered, actions and initiatives to overcome them”
CONGO is ready to start drafting and to share with you some points on the
inclusion of NGOs in the next CSTD sessions. We would still be happy to get
some initial views from you.
All the best,
Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org> wsis at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
De : plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org] De la part
de CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
Envoyé : mercredi, 7. février 2007 20:11
À : plenary at wsis-cs.org; bureau at wsis-cs.org; governance at lists.cpsr.org
Cc : 'Renate Bloem'; 'CONGO - Philippe Dam'
Objet : [WSIS CS-Plenary] Consultation on CSTD - Tuesday 13 February
Dear all,
This is a preliminary up date on the preparation of the briefing and
consultation meeting on the 10th session of CSTD (Room XXIV, Palais des
Nations). It will take place on Tuesday 13 February 2007 during lunchtime
(13:30-15:00). Participation will be open mainly to CS entities and to the
Private Sector. As previously mentioned, two issues will be addressed:
- Briefing on the preparations for the up coming cluster of WSIS
related events (CSTD and ALF meetings, May 2007)
- Informal Consultation on the multi-year work programme and the
methods of work of the CSTD.
Participation will be open to all CS participants in the CSTD. For most of
you, the registration to the IGF stock taking will allow you to access this
meeting. For the other ones, we will make sure that you will be provided a
badge (contact us: wsis at ngocongo.org).
I think we should come to this briefing with some common understanding of
the message we want to deliver to the CSTD Secretariat (and to some of the
member States representatives who might pop in during the meeting) about the
points which will be addressed.
This includes the following main issues:
- Preparation for the up coming 10th session of the CSTD and of the
WSIS related cluster of events;
For your information, the CSTD session will be held on 21-25 May;
additionally some 8 ALF meetings might be held around that session. More
information will follow.
Up dated calendar: http://www.csbureau.info/posttunis.htm
- Modalities for NGO/CS participation in the CSTD;
- Other CSTD working methods for the follow up to WSIS (including
reporting activities and relationship with other UN entities);
- Multi-year programme of work of the CSTD.
Based on the ECOSOC
46.pdf> resolution renewing the CSTD mandate in July 2006, the Commission
will work through biennial action cycle. The programme of work is still to
be determined and the CSTD Panel in Paris (6-8 Nov. 2006) addressed this
issue (see report of the CSTD Panel,
read in particular pages 15-16).
Please send us your contributions and comments on these issues. We will come
back to you with more details.
All the best,
Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org> wsis at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership association
that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and
decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United
Nations agencies on issues of global concern. For more information see our
website at www.ngocongo.org <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org/>
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