[WSIS CS-Plenary] Process for the Global Alliance - Clarifications and up-dated information
Renate Bloem
rbloem at ngocongo.org
Wed Apr 19 22:36:31 BST 2006
Dear all,
Further to my previous post on the very next steps towards the Global
Alliance setting-up, I would like to bring some more clarification about the
on going process. I actually had a telephone conversation with Sarbuland
Khan today which made things somewhat clearer.
Latest development
The ‘small group’ for which Sarbuland Khan would like to have some civil
society participants as soon as possible will have nothing to do with the
Global Alliance Steering Committee. Indeed this ‘small group’ is rather an
informal group of advisors to support and help UN-DESA develop a business
plan towards the establishment of the Global Alliance and its Strategy
Council, from now until next June. Participation in this informal advisory
group will therefore not at all automatically include or exclude membership
into the future three tier structures of the Global Alliance.
As I wrote it on Monday to the Plenary list, UN DESA would like to see that
various components and concerns of civil society be represented within this
advisory grouping, in particular Youth, Gender, Grassroots and Outreach
components involved in the ICT4D framework. This is why I tried to
accelerate the process of setting up this informal small group by proposing
names of those who strongly expressed their interest in the Global Alliance
over the past weeks and/or who represent CS groupings mentioned by Mr. Khan.
Strategy Council / Steering Committee
As for the work and membership to the structures/organs of the Global
Alliance, Sarbuland Khan clarified that the Strategy Council will only meet
and start its work in Kuala Lumpur at the inaugural meeting of the Global
Alliance (19-20 June 2006). -Nomination of CS members to this main organ in
charge of strategic guidance and priority setting must therefore be
finalised in this perspective. More details from UN DESA are still needed
before we start any more structured and transparent nomination process. Note
that the membership to the smaller Global Alliance Steering Committee will
emerge from the composition of the Strategy Council. Sarbuland Khan
stressed over and over again that the Global Alliance is open to all who
will contribute to the goals of the GA. More information will probably also
be given during the Geneva meeting on the 15 May.
On-line information
Lastly, I was informed that a time table of the next developments will be
set up on line very soon, provisionally on the UN ICT Task Force
(www.unicttf.org <http://www.unicttf.org/> ) to give more detail about the
process between now and the inaugural Global Alliance meeting in June. See
also Press release dated 17 April on the site and circulated again today on
various lists.
De : plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org] De la part
de Renate Bloem
Envoyé : lundi 17 avril 2006 22:32
À : CS Plenary; bureau wsis
Cc : wsis at ngocongon.org
Objet : [WSIS CS-Plenary] Process for the Global Alliance and letter from
President of ECOSOC
Importance : Haute
Dear all,
Just returning from a short Easter break here some news:
1. I received from Sarbuland Khan the request to come up by the end of
this beginning week (!!) with some four or five candidate names from CS to
help with a Steering Committee or whatever small group; names hopefully from
Youth, Gender, Grassroots and Outreach caucuses or components involved or
directed towards ICT4D to accelerate MDGs.
Please reread in this context Sarbuland Khan’s letter circulated on 4 April.
As we do not have yet a portal and clear guidelines concerning the tiers
structure for the Global Alliance, I hope we can soon develop a similar
process as in the IGF for the establishment of a Strategy Council to assist
the Global Alliance to come off the ground.
In the meantime, please propose your ideas on above mentioned small group
To help in this process, and without having contacted yet anybody:
CONGO would/could propose:
Titi Akinsanmi
Karen Banks
Michael Gurstein
Parminder (if he is not serving on the IGF)
CONGO (to help with further outreach and support)
Hopefully soon more on all of this (I don’t like the process neither)
2. I also received a response letter from the President of ECOSOC
concerning CS participation in CSTD, see attached. More information on all
preparations for the Information cluster week in may see www.ngocongo.org
Renate Bloem
President of the Conference of NGOs (CONGO)
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mil: rbloem at ngocongo.org
Website: www.ngocongo.org
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