[WSIS CS-Plenary] Report on afternoon plenary 19 Sept
Rik Panganiban
rikp at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 19 19:43:14 BST 2005
WSIS Prepcom III
Afternoon Plenary
19 September 2005
Notes by Rik Panganiban, CONGO
The afternoon plenary session was mostly taken up with reports from the various conferences and consultations that have taken place since Prepcom II. There was some difficulty with the introduction of the report of the Group of Friends of the Chair, which the Russian delegation wished treated simply as an “input†and not as a new set of draft text to add to the Prepcom II draft texts on implementation and follow-up.
Report on Activities between Prepcom II and III by ITU Secretary General
Report on WSIS Stocktaking by ITU
Report of Group of Friends of Chair
The Chair introduces text from the Group of Friends of the Chair on paras 10, 11 and 29 as draft text
Russian Federation
We view documents from Prepcom II as also important. This should be considered at committee level, not here.
What happens to contributions from Prepcom II?
Then let us refer the GFC document to Sub-committee B
Report of Working Group on Internet Governance by Nitin Desai
Reports on regional conferences and thematic meetings
Amb Khan, Sub-committee A
We begin with 3 hours of general debate tomorrow, than move on to geneva principles, the WGIG report, and a working definition. The next cluster is stakeholders, public policy issues, measures to promote development, and a future mechanism.
Observers will speak toward end of session, starting at 12:15pm. Each group will get 15 minutes, which they can divide among 3-5 speakers.
Shope-Mafole, Sub-committee B
Regarding the participation by observers, they should express to me their preferences for participation. We can be more flexible, perhaps having them speak at beginning and end of each session.
We begin with Chapters 1 and 4 tomorrow, than continue on Thursday. We start the political chapeau on Wednesday.
[The meeting adjourned at 1830 hours.]
RIK PANGANIBAN Communications Coordinator
Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO)
web: http://www.ngocongo.org
email: rik.panganiban at ngocongo.org
mobile: (+1) 917-710-5524
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