[WSIS CS-Plenary] WSIS NGO Forum, Tunis, 24-25 April
Rik Panganiban
rikp at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 10 14:01:56 GMT 2005
Dear Colleagues,
I heard about this WSIS-related NGO forum mentioned by a couple of people from the UN NGO Section of DESA, so I thought I should send this out to the plenary list, in case folks didn't know about it.
Rik Panganiban
FROM: http://www.worldfamilyorganization.org/infocenter/Preparatory_NGO_Forum_Tunis_0405.htm
Preparatory NGO/Civil Society Forum
For the 2nd phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005
And for the High-Level Segment of ECOSOC / New York, July 2005
“For an Inclusive, People Centered, Development Oriented
and Knowledgeable Information Society for All â€
Tunis, Tunisia, 24-25 April 2005
Invitation and Program of the Forum
In preparation for the 2nd phase of the World Summit on Information Society – Tunis 2005, to take place in Tunis from 16-18 November 2005, and in celebration of the National Day of NGO, the NGO section of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs / ECOSOC and the Association of Tunisian Mothers, coordinator of the Informal Regional NGO Network for Africa (UN-NGO-IRENE / Africa), are honored to invite you to participate in the NGO Forum devoted to the theme “For an Inclusive, People Centered, Development Oriented and Knowledgeable Information Society for All†and to present you with the following program :
Saturday, 23 April 2005: Official Opening Ceremony of the NGO Forum
3 P.M.: Reception and Registration of participants
4 P.M.: Opening Ceremony of the NGO Forum. Chair – Mr. Montacer OUALI, Minister of Telecommunications
* Ms. Saida AGREBI : Coordinator of the Informal Regional NGO Network for Africa (UN-NGO-IRENE / Africa) and president of ATM: “Welcoming to the First International Conference of the Informal NGO Network and presentation of the Forum.â€
* Ambassador Gertrude MONGUELLA : President of Pan-African Parliament
* Ms. Margareth VOGT : Director of the Presidential Administration of the African Union
* Ms. Nejia ESSAYED : African Union Commissioner on Technology, Human Resources and Science
* Ms. Nancy BAKIR : Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League (Chair)
* Ms. Hanifa MEZOUI: Chief of UN NGO Section/ECOSOC/DESA: “Reminding of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Presenting of the preparatory processes for the Summit (WSIS)â€
* Briefing of the official opening by Mr. Minister : “Tunisia will host the WSIS in November 2005.â€
* Regional, under-regional, and national coordinators of the UN-NGO-IRENE
5.30 P.M.: Coffee Break
6 P.M.: Partners of the UN-NGO-IRENE / NGO Section
8 P.M.: Dinner
Sunday, 25 April 2005
9 A.M.: Visit to target projects: micro-credits, Publinet, Center of Happy Life for Handicapped Children and an exposition in the headquarters of ATM, the House of Mothers.
12 A.M.: Lunch / Round Table – Brainstorming: “ First International Conference of Coordinators and Partners of the UN-NGO-IRENE / NGO Section/ECOSOC, DESA: Present situation and future projects of the Network to contribute to the accession of the Information, Knowledge, and Development Society for all, inclusive and open for all nationsâ€
3.30 P.M.: Cultural Program: “Tunisian Mothers: Tradition and Modernizationâ€
Monday, 25 April 2005
9 A.M.: Panel Meeting (-1-), Chair – Ms. Hanifa MEZOUI)
* Ms. Najet KARABORNI : Senior Interregional Advisor, coordinator of the UN-NGO-IRENE / NGO Section/ECOSOC, DESA project: “Presentation on the results of the NGO survey†and “questions/ responsesâ€
* Ms. Rafika KHOUINI, Vice-President of ATM: “Debate on the role of civil society’s actions and initiatives at the local level as a strategic tool for balanced development of economic, social and cultural plans to promote a knowledge and ICT Society: The Tunisian Experienceâ€
10 A.M.: Workshop
* Workshop (-1-): Presentation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Dr. Deisi KUZTRA: President of the World Family Organization (WFO)
* Workshop (-2-): ICT And Access To Digital Culture
- Ms. Karima BOUNEMRA BEN SOLTANE: Representative of CEA / Tanger
* Workshop (-3-) : ICT, Solidarity And Countries
- Ms. Binta DIOP, President of Femmes Africa Solidarite (FAS)
* Workshop (-4-): ICT And Economics Of Knowledge
- Dr. Haifa FAHOUM AL KAYLANI, President, Arab Women International Forum
* Workshop (-5-): ICT and the Rights of Women
- Ms. Winnie BYANYIMA, Director of “Women, Gender and Development†/UA
* Workshop (-6-): ICT, Health and Disabilities
- Madam Amany ASFOUR, President of Femmes Chef d’Enterprises of Egypt
* Workshop (-7-): ICT and the rights of children
-Ms. Mouna KAMEL, Director of the Arab League of Family and Childhood (Chair)
*11.30 A.M. Panel Meeting (-2-), Chair - Ms. Saida AGREBI
- Summary and general discussion of the workshops
* 1 P.M.: Lunch
* 4 P.M.: Official Closing Session, Chair – Ms. Khedija GHARIANI, State Secretary on Information, Telecommunication Ministry
- Final report, conclusion and recommendations
- Tunis Declaration of the NGO/Civil Society
- Summary of the closing session delivered by Ms. State Secretary
Preparatory NGO/Civil Society Forum
For the 2nd phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005
And for the High-Level Segment of ECOSOC / New York, July 2005
“For an Inclusive, People Centered, Development Oriented
and Knowledgeable Information Society for Allâ€
Tunis, Tunisia, 24-25 April 2005
Participants List
*Regional Coordinators of the UN-NGO-IRENE / NGO Section
¤Africa: Tunisia :
-Ms. Saida AGREBI, president of Association of Tunisian Mothers, the OMMA and Vice-President of the World Family Organization
¤South Africa: Angola: Mr. Domingos Antonio, Director, DODGE, Angola Network for Poverty Reduction
¤Central Africa: Cameroon: Ms. Pauline Biyong, President, The League for Education of Women and Children
¤East Africa: Ethiopia: Mr. Mussie Hailu, Director United Nations Association – Ethiopia
¤Northern Africa: Tunisia: Hayet Zaara, Vice-President, Women’s Association Tunisia 21
¤West Africa: Burkina-Faso: Ms. Kadidia Sall, President, Coalition of Families for the Fight Against AIDS and Poverty
¤ Latin America : Brasil
- Dr. Deisi Noeli Weber Kusztra, President, World Family Organization
¤ North America : Canada
- Mr. Nick ARKLE, UN Coordinator, Hope for the Nations
¤Asia/Pacific Region
-China : Mr. Niu Qiang, Secretary-General, The Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD)
-India : Ms. Veena Singh, President, All India Women’s Fund Association (AIWEFA)
-Japan : Dr. Yoshiko Y.NAkano, President, Organization for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement (OISCA)
-Pakistan: Ms. Laila Sarfaraz, Executive Vice-President, All Pakistan Women’s Association (APWA)
¤Caspian Region: Azerbaijan
- Mr. Nedim Kaya, President, Fund of Aid for Youth (FAY)
¤Arab Region : Gulf States
- Dr. Meshgan Mohd Al-Awar, Member of the Higher Committee, Zayed International Prize for the Environment, Dubai
¤Eastern Europe:
- Professor Malitza, Black Sea University Foundation, Romania
-Sub-regions :
°Macedonia : Mr.Albert Musliu, President, Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI)
°Poland : Ms. Wanda Nowicka, President, Federation for Women and Family Planning
*Coordinators at the national level:
-Algeria: Ms. Aicha Bakri, President, Association Algerienne d’Alphabetisation (Association Iqraa)
-Azerbaijan : Mr. Fuad Muradov, Chairperson NAYORA
-Spain : Ms. Pilar Lara, Foundation for the Promotion of Social Culture
-Mauritania : Ms. Khadijattou Mint Sheikh Mohamed El Mami, Mauritania Association for the Well-Being and Help to Children and Mothers (AMBESEM)
*Partners of the UN-NGO-IRENE / NGO Section and of ATM :
-Amb Gertrude MONGUELLA (President, Pan-African Parliament)
-Ms. Margareth VOGT (Executive President of the African Union)
-Ms. Rénata BLOEM, President of Conference on NGOs /UN (CONGO)
-Ms. Winnie BYANYIMA, Director, Women, Gender & Development / U A
-Ms. Bineta DIOP, President, Solidarity of African Women (FAS)
-Ms. Hannah Njoki TIAGHA, DSW/UN / CEA / African Center for Women
-Dr Haïfa FAHOUM AL KAYLANI, President, Arab International Women’s Forum
-Ms. Libérate GAHURURA, Senior Advisor / Vice-President of BURENDI
-Ms. Marie-Thérèse AVEMEKA, Representative of CFAD (UA/CEA)
-Ms. Amany ASFOUR, Chairwomen, Entrep-Egypte
-Ms. Mama Koité DOUMBIA, President, FEMNET
-Ms. Kadidja DIARRA, (Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Women and Family, MALI)
-Ms. Julienne ONDZIEL-GNELENGA, Rights of Women in Africa
-Ms. Leila BEN BARKA, African Economic Commission
-Ms. Atsuko OKUDA, Program Officer, DISD / CEA
-Ms. Mercy WAMBUI, Communication Officer, DISD /CEA
-Ms. Asha HAGI ELMI, President, Save Somali Women & Children / Mogadishu
-Ms. Tracey NAUGHTON, African Civil Society / South Africa
-Ms. Nnenna NWAKANMA, African Civil Society / Côte d’Ivoire
-Dr Nicole DEIGNA, Vice-President, Social and Economic Council / Côte d’Ivoire
-Ms. Aminata DIEYE, Member of Executive Assembly, OMCT / Senegal
-Mr Yoshioka TATSUYA, Président de Peace Boat (Japon)
-Ms. Haïfa JEMEL ELLIL : Doyen University, Jeddah
-Dr Fatma AL KHARAJA, Saudi Arabia
-Dr Hazima AL ATTASSI, Saudi Arabia
-Ms. Aïna FADHEL, Saudi Arabia
-Ms. Mona Md Mud KHALILI, Union of Palestinian Women
-Ms. Afef AHMED MOHAMED (General Union of Women of Sudan)
-Ms. Fatoumata N’JAE, International Network of African Women and Diaspora
-Ms. Fatoumata TRAORE, International Network of African Women and Diaspora
-Ms. Brigitte MUKUNJI, International Network of African Women and Diaspora
-Ms. Nancy BAKIR: Assistant Secretary-General, Arab League, Cairo
-Ms. Mouna KEMEL Director of the children and women division, Arab League, Cairo
-Ms. Kalthoum EL ALAOUI, Morocco (OMMA)
-Ms. Lotfia KEBAILI, Libya ( OMMA )
-Ms. Saida BEN HABILES, Algeria (OMMA)
-Ms. Khadija YOUNSORHA, Mauritania (OMMA)
-Ms. Laura COLLINS, Business Consultant
-Representative in Tunisia / PNUD
-Representative in Tunisia / UNICEF
-Representative in Tunisia / OMS
-Reprentative in Tunisia / UNESCO
-Reprentative in Tunisia / FAO
Contact: wfopress at mps.com.br
RIK PANGANIBAN Communications Coordinator
Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO)
web: http://www.ngocongo.org
email: rik.panganiban at ngocongo.org
mobile: (+1) 917-710-5524
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