[WSIS CS-Plenary] INVITATION to the World Summit Contributory Conference on ICT & Creativity Vienna, Austria, June 2-3, 2005
Thomas Biebl
biebl at icnm.net
Tue Apr 12 10:38:36 BST 2005
Dear colleagues and partners,
"ICT and Creativity" is the challenging topic of the upcoming World Summit
Contributory Conference to be held in Vienna, Austria, June 2-3, 2005.
I would like to personally invite you to this event which is convened by the
Austrian Federal Government.
200 high-level representatives from over 20 countries are scheduled to
discuss and share their insights in order to draft a Vienna Declaration
which will be presented to the UN World Summit Conference in Tunis in
The conference will be both a vision event with key government and industry
leaders sharing their perspectives and a working meeting on concrete issues
of e-content and creative use of technologies.
As a WSIS Thematic Meeting in preparation of the Tunis Summit in November
participants will be invited to contribute to the “Vienna Declaration on ICT
& Creativity” for the Plenary Session of the WSIS governmental, business and
civil society Summit in Tunis.
You are being personally invited as one of the four stakeholders of the
- e-content, multimedia and IT experts with international horizon/global
- key governmental officials in the Area of Culture, Technology, and
- CEOs und executives from the new media industries
- Activists from the Civil Society in media production and creative
The Conference is jointly organised under the leadership of the Austrian
Federal Chancellery and the Ministry for Economics and Labour, with
contributions coming from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for
Education, Science and Culture, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of
Infrastructure and Innovation, the Austrian Commission for the UNESCO and
leading companies such as Telekom Austria AG.
The conference will be addressed in person by the Austrian Federal
Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, the ITU Secretary-General Joshio Utsumi and
UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura, who will deliver the opening
Please let me know if you are able and interested in participating and write
me at: wsa-conference at icnm.net
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Peter A. Bruck
Chairman, World Summit Award Board of Directors
PS: For pre-registration and conference information please visit:
PPS: The Vienna conference follows the WSA Global ICT Summits that have been
held in Hong Kong, China and Baku, Azerbaijan in the last months. With the
theme “Creativity and IT: Strategies in the World Information Society”, it
will raise public awareness for the importance of creativity and e-Content
in relation to infrastructure development and network access.
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