[WSIS CS-Plenary] Tunis censored???
djilali benamrane
dbenamrane at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 8 22:36:00 GMT 2004
En français ci-aprés :
Dear All, very good question from Ralf to Renata, The
problem is that we do like to be also part of this WE,
we really want that this Summit will be usefull for
Tunisian People, they can benefit of this event, we do
like that this summit will be a good thing for Africa,
for poor people and and also for those who caznnot and
want not to speak and to understant English... We is
also anotherthing than the unical thought anothertihng
than the North dicktat.
All the best
Chers vous tous, question pertinente que celle de Ralf
à Renata. Le prblème est que nous voulons nous aussi
être partie de ce NOUS et derons tout pour que ce
sommet soit untile au peuple tunisien, à l'Afrique,
aux pauvres et aux non parlant uniquement anglais et
au service de la seule pensée unique. Nous voulons
autre chose que la pensée unique, autre chose que le
dicktat du Nord.
Bien des choses encores...
--- Ralf Bendrath <bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Renata BLOEM wrote:
> > We are aware of the situation, maybe not in all
> the details. What we do hope
> > is that the Tunis process will provide
> opportunities to help create this
> > space for more open discussion. A confrontational
> attitude at the outset is
> > not always the best way to get there.
> I think we can neatly play the "good cop, bad cop"
> game here, we just
> have to discuss a _common_ strategy and coordinate
> closely between the
> different levels and dimensions of phase two (action
> plan
> implementation, new political document/declaration,
> "internet
> governance"&"finance" working groups, reality in
> Tunisia).
> One question to Renate: Who is the "we" you are
> referring to?
> Best, Ralf
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Djilali Benamrane : dbenamrane at yahoo.com
Tél/Fax : (331) 01 45 39 77 02 Paris - France
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