[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: ICANN workshop on WSIS
Adam Peake
ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Wed Jul 14 06:05:04 BST 2004
>ICANN meetings are free and open to all to
>attend. Organizers typically like people to
>pre-register, but not a requirement I think.
>Information about the Kuala Lumpur meeting here
>Also, please encourage people to attend the Non
>Commercial Users Constituency Meeting, it will
>be held on Monday July 19, in the Penang room,
>Shangri-La Hotel. Time unfortunately not yet
The NCUC meeting will be on the afternoon of
Monday July 19, most likely starting at about
Interesting looking workshop on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
Wednesday, July 21 (open meeting, free)
>At 12:55 PM +0100 7/13/04, karen banks wrote:
>>hi veni
>>thanks for this, is it an open meeting? ie, can
>>i invite colleagues from Malaysia to attend?
>>>“Workshop on the World Summit on the
>>>Information Society (WSIS): Issues of
>>>Relevance to ICANN and Next Steps” scheduled
>>>for Tuesday, 20 July 2004 from 08:30 10:00
>>>in the Shangri-La Hotel’s Grand Ballroom,
>>>Kuala Lumpur.
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