[WSIS CS-Plenary] some updates on the last hours of prepcom 3

amir barmaki westasiaregion at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 28 07:54:28 BST 2003

Dear all

Thank you for your comments on the press release, it has been already
distributed so there is no point discussing it anymore, we deeply discuss
the press conference outcomes in an urgent CSB meeting, we discuss these
issues, the drafting team express their views and apologies on some missing
point, but we orally mentioned workers and PWDs in the press conference and
they've been added to the latest version.

1-The CSB has approved and strongly uphold these issues and also approve to
have a sub-committee on communication to deal with press conferences, as we
are still disorganized, we also discuss the non-appropriate interventions by
some people who express their personal or caucus views in  a press
conference without consulting the plenary before hand , I think we need some
clarification regarding that by the those people, anyhow the communication
committee will deal with these issues and its a voluntary system , I
personally candidate myself for being there and also asking others,
especially media to be there also. The translation problem was noted and
deeply regretted that we didn't have nay translation at all in the press
conference and CSB afterwards! I think ITU is responsible for that, next
time our communication team will ensure the important blocks are there!

2-We finish all the remaining issues of the CS in the plenary on Friday
(more than 4 hours plenary), I hope someone take the minutes, so hopefully
could be posted on the CS website, I saw someone form the secretariat taking
notes.I as the co-chairperson highly appreciate the cooperation of all the
participants and their patience, and be happy to receive comments of how
running these kind of meeting in future better.

3-We also been given a speaking slot on the last hour of the governments
negotiations, we read out the CS open letter to president with some minor
modification to match with their decision on  having another prepcom (4) on
10-14 November and ensuring our presence, which a CSB member from multi
stakeholders read it.

4-The governments last minutes were complete mess I believe, as they could
agree not on the main documents and they will discuss them again in prepcom
4, if there be any funds for it!! I think the monitoring team could update
us, I was there till 9:30 PM , till the last minutes.

5-We should thank Alain Clerc and Mr.Samasekou to giving this opportunity to
us to read out letter.

6-Regarding the point that been raised on our press release that our tone is
not very strong, I should remind you all that the press release was
carefully discussed in the plenary and then read in the joint CT and CS
plenary, they approved it and we believe is the right tone for the time
being, in the press conference I clearly mentioned that some governments are
against the presence of the  CS in the working groups and the chair doesn't
have any other choice, even many other governments are supporting us, so its
mainly a political problem that should be addressed in  a political way, not
making a radical action, which maybe needed but in another time.

7-On the matter of fellowships the deadline is 15 October , so be fast on
posting your applications, I am just waiting that Angela from Asia inform us
on the database setup and how we will do it, it needs to be discussed with
CS secretariat and Asia family.

8-please be cautious with emailing as we are receiving 40-50 emails per half
day! so please do not just email anything you think, Karen Banks is trying
to setup procedure for emailing and website, please contact her (just her!)
if you have any ideas or you could help, it was discussed in the CSP and
already requested.
Just to remind you, content issues just should be emailed to CT listserver
and plenary issues to the plenary listserver, and Bureau issues to the
respective listserver, so don't mix these issues and emails, please take
into account these points otherwise the listserver will be useless and

9- I don't know who take the minutes of the last CSB meeting on Friday,
maybe NGOs could prepare a draft and email it to us, also as I remember we
ask to have rotating chairs for the bureau in the summit, so we should thank
the prepcom 3 chairs for their hard work (NGOs, think tanks).

10- CS plenary approved to have  a meeting one day before summit, so try to
arrange your plans to be there on time. secretariat has the takes to arrange
a proper room hopefully with translation.

sorry its a bit late and i couldnt concentrate better!  11:54 pm Geneva.

Thanks for reading this long email, I will try to send other info, for the
time being I just want to update you and avoiding any repeating questions
and emails, This time I am sending this email to all addresses as it covers
different issues. Nice meeting you all and really enjoy working with you.

With Regards

Amir Barmaki

West Asia Focal point in the CSB

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hiroshi Kawamura" <hkawa at attglobal.net>
To: <bureau at geneva2003.org>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: final version, press release, this is the one

> Dear Beatriz:
> Haven't you received my previous protest and proposal on behalf of the
> Disability Caucus?
> Was it rejected or unreached by accident?
> It is very serious for 600,000,000 people with disabilities.
> Civil Society should not be behind the current draft Declaration of
> Principles in terms of sensitivity on disability.
> Best regardes
> Hiroshi Kawamura
> CS Disability Focal Point
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Beatriz Busaniche" <busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar>
> To: <bureau at geneva2003.org>
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 10:20 AM
> Subject: final version, press release, this is the one
> > this is the final version, ignore the other one, please.
> >
> > regards
> >
> > --
> > Beatriz Busaniche
> > busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar
> > www.caminandoutopias.org.ar
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> >
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> > \qc
> id10641355 \fs24\lang2057\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp2057\langfenp1033
> {\b\f1\fs28\insrsid10641355 Text of press release
> > \par 27 September 2003
> > \par
> > \par WSIS process at PrepCom III}{\fs28\insrsid10641355
> > \par }\pard \ql
> id10641355 {\insrsid10641355
> > \par }{\insrsid7369571 Civil Society announces today that if governments
> continue to exclude our principles, we will not lend legitimacy to the
> official WSIS documents.
> > \par
> > \par Civil society is already shaping information societies to achieve
> social, cultural, educational, political, and economic benefits for
> all. }{\lang1033\langfe1033\langnp1033\insrsid4200131\charrsid14246067
> Communication rights embedded in human r
> > ights should be the framework for Information and Communication
ocieties.}{\insrsid7369571\charrsid14246067  }{\insrsid6254235  }{\insrsid7
> 369571\charrsid14246067
> > Human rights must be the framework for information societies. Without
> this, the WSIS vision of \'93an}{\insrsid7369571  information society\'94
> meaningless.
> > \par
> > \par }\pard \ql
> id11482316 {\insrsid10181185\charrsid10181185 In }{\insrsid4676431 the
> WSIS}{\insrsid10181185\charrsid10181185  process, we }{\insrsid5378799
> seen that}{
> > \insrsid4676431 ,}{\insrsid5378799
> >  thus far, our main principles are not reflected in the results. Even
> though the process has been frustrating and inconsistent, with civil
> included and excluded at the whim of governments, our experience has been
> one of closer engagement than ha
> > s been the case at other United Nations conferences.  We hope that this
> an experience that can be built on to ensure much closer involvement of
> civil society in the design and development of }{\insrsid2375915
> i}{\insrsid5378799 nformation }{
> > \insrsid2375915 societies}{\insrsid5378799 .\line
> > \par }{\insrsid11482316 While the spirit of the documents is market
> focused, civil society and some governments, especially from the south,
> continue }{\insrsid14222807 to }{\insrsid11482316 support the rights of
> citizenship and promot}{\insrsid14222807 e}
> > {\insrsid11482316  the concept of cooperation instead of competition.
> > \par Even if the outcomes of the WSIS do not reflect, at the end of the
> process, our principles, visions and perspectives, we will
> continue }{\insrsid14222807 to be}{\insrsid11482316  key actors in the
> definition of the nature and direction of }{
> > \insrsid2062944 i}{\insrsid11482316 nformation }{\insrsid2062944
> societies}{\insrsid11482316 , one whose focus would be people\rquote s
> rights. We will insist that the proposal of the WSIS includes our
> such as development and justice for the }{
> > \insrsid4676431 s}{\insrsid11482316 outh, human rights, gender equity,
> community media, education, public good}{\insrsid14222807
> s}{\insrsid11482316 , free sof}{\insrsid2375915 tware and open access to
> scientific}{\insrsid11482316  and technolog}{
> > \insrsid2375915 ical}{\insrsid11482316  information, privacy, democratic
> and transparent internet governance, cultural and linguistic diversity,
> excluded minorities}{\insrsid4676431 , indigenous people,
> etc.}{\insrsid11482316
> > \par }\pard \ql
> id10641355 {\insrsid11482316
> > \par }{\insrsid10641355 We now have a stronger position, because as the
> days have progressed meaningful communication has emerged. But much
> to be done.  }{\insrsid16470206 For our part, civil society
> > , we are now in the process of drafting a framework document that will
> down our vision of inclusive, participatory, sustainable, equitable and
> information societies. }{\insrsid10641355
> > \par
> > \par }{\insrsid4200131 The civil society appreciates the role and
> contribution of the Swiss government as the host and also its support to
> civil society in this process.  We also request the other governments to
> follow the Swiss government in this initiative.
> >
> > \par }\pard \ql
> id10181185 {\insrsid10181185
> > \par }\pard \ql
> id10641355 {\insrsid10641355\charrsid10641355
> > \par }}

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