[WSIS CS-Plenary] INPUTS: Action plan

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Wed Sep 24 20:07:33 BST 2003

dear all

Below is a list of focal points who you should send, or re-send to, for 
contributions to the Action Plan. I think it would be good if we **not post 
them** to plenary at wsis-cs.org as the list is becoming quite unmanageable.

We can post a compiled version to plenary when we have collected all of the 
comments. Current developments i'm sure are discouraging, but we should 
still pull our collective work together.


A, B (Introduction; Objectives, Goals, and Targets; and Action Lines)
C1. The role of stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development/ C10. 
Ethical Dimension of the Information Society/ C11. International and 
regional cooperation:
==> Raijeli Nicole (Gender Strategies Working Group). (Raijeli at isiswomen.org)

C2. Information  and Communication Infrastructure:
==> Jean-Louis Fullsack (jlfullsack at wanadoo.fr)

C3. Access to information and knowledge:
==> Francis Muguet (Scientific Information Group) (muguet at mdpi.org)

C4. Capacity Building:
==> Beatrice Busaniche/Jane Johnson (Education and Academia Working Group)
(busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar)

C5. Building Confidence, trust and security in the use of ICTs:
==> Karen Banks (Privacy and Security Working Group) (karenb at gn.apc.org)

C6. Enabling enivornment:
==> wsis-pct at fsfeurope.org

C7. ICT applications:
==> Chris Nicol (cnicol at pangea.org)

C8. Cultural [identity] and linguistic diversity and local content:
==> Alain Ambrosi (alain_ambrosi at hotmail.com)

C9. Media:
==> Tracy Naughton (Media Group) (t.naughton at iafrica.com)

D. Financing
==> Emmanuel Njenga (Africa Caucus) (njenga at apc.org)

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