[WSIS-CT] Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Proposal: Speaking slots
Sally Burch - ALAI
sburch at alainet.org
Thu Jul 10 19:58:18 BST 2003
Dear YJ,
We should certainly claim more adequate spaces for debate and
expression at the WSIS, but I don't believe there's consensus
among civil society organizations about requesting a status as
"equal partners" with governments.
As imperfect as the democratic system is, and although a number
of governments in the world are not democratically elected,
governments should be answerable to their peoples and assume
responsibility for the decisions taken at summits such as this.
Many consider that our role as civil society organizations is
different (I won't go into detail on the arguments here); but above all
would strongly oppose opening the possibility to the private sector,
that represents particular interests, to sit as equal partners with
governments at a UN Summit.
On 11 Jul 03, at 2:05, YJ Park wrote:
> Dear Karen,
> > as we will have few opportunities for interventions, i am wondering if we
> > can coordinate and agree on a combined intervention, or should we go for
> > two slots?
> First of all, let us figure out how many opportunities for CS interventions
> at Paris meeting and then prioritize the issues of CS.
> 1st intervention is recommended to address a request to change CS status
> from "observer" to "equal partner" who doesn't need this kind of permission
> for speaking slots.
> This kind of request is to be delivered to the other stakeholders especially,
> to the governments, on the daily basis.
> 2nd, CS internal priority issue lists
> Due to lack of opportunity, some CS groups may be asked to squeeze
> some issues. i.e. Internet Governance and Information Security, then we
> should work together to come up with more effective messages to the
> WSIS participants.
> > and, if so, who would be prepared to work on the intervention with me..
> Under the condition that we may not have an independent opportunity
> to share some messages regarding Internet Governance and Infosec,
> I will be happy to work on this with you and others.
> I can be available from Monday at UNESCO.
> YJ
> > karen
> >
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Sally Burch - Directora Ejecutiva
Agencia Latinomericana de Informacion -
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