[WSIS CS-Plenary] Press slots

Sally Burch - ALAI sburch at alainet.org
Wed Dec 3 12:47:08 GMT 2003


Concerning the civil society press slots:

The content and themes group wishes to make several 
presentations.  In particular we will want to present the CS 
Declaration to the press, probably on the 10th.  This should be a 
high priority for civil society.

Several caucuses also wish to name spokespeople to address key 
issues. We propose to organize the requests from the caucuses 
so as to form a panel of 4-5 people for each press conference.

Sally Burch

Sally Burch - Directora Ejecutiva
Agencia Latinoamericana de InformaciĆ³n - ALAI
Casilla 17-12-877, Quito, Ecuador
sburch at alainet.org      http://alainet.org
Tel: (593 2) 250 5074  222 1570  Fax: (593 2) 250 5073

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