[Lac] Presencia LAC @ reunion Nueva york

Raúl Echeberría raul at lacnic.net
Fri Mar 26 18:44:01 GMT 2004

Yo estoy en NY. La reunion acaba de terminar.
Tambien estan Olinca, Carlos Afonso, Alejandro Pisanty, gente de gobiernos 
y sector privado y seguramente otros que se me estan escapando en este momento.


At 12:01 26/03/2004, Robert Guerra wrote:
>Os copio parte del chat que acabo de tener con Rik en relación de la 
>reunion del UN ICT Task force en Nueva york. Parece ser que si hay 
>representacion de LAC..
>rik: anyway its good seeing some latin american groups here
>rguerra: really. from where?
>rguerra: as , the latin american wsis lists i'm on - only rel. few people 
>and orgs could go.
>rguerra: Other than APC, any others?
>rik: Paco from UNA-Ecuador
>rguerra: ok. here's at many things - anyone from brazil (a key wsis 
>country) or mexico?
>rik: yes, but academics I think
>rguerra: i'd ask a favour - if you can get the list of latin americans 
>there, i'df appreciate it, as i could then forward that to the CS latin 
>american list.
>rguerra: they really want to know who's in NY, so that they can be 
>debriefed later
>rik: its on the UNICT TF, though not complete
>rguerra: ok. will popint them there.
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